working on tech

working on tech

Mission Statement

This blog should be a safe place for anyone who wants to talk, read, listen, and experience technology in safe GOD fearing way. I am a believer and follower of JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND SAVIOR WHO I BELIEVE CAME DOWN AS GOD IN THE FLESH TO SHED BLOOD SO WE MAY BE MADE RIGHT WITH GOD AND HE WILL ACT AS WITNESS ON OUR BEHALF BECAUSE NO MAN CAN GET TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN BUT THROUGH JESUS CHRIST and it is those who believe mission to spread this message of love to all people for GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD! I strive to live righteously and I pray you do to and understand that we should do that in all that we do even when we are enjoying my favorite hobby, all things tech! that's why I am a techie in CHRIST I am a tech nerd that is grounded in the LORD. GOD BLESS !
Showing posts with label atechieinchrist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atechieinchrist. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sermon reflection 11/3/13 even they too can be saved..

Acts 9:1-6
Yesterdays sermon was about Pauls conversion! We only talked about the beginning of his change because the focus was on who he was and how he was saved. This is one of the most unlikely people to convert to Christianity but he did. The pastor pointed out how he was a leading pharisee who studied under the most talented teachers and shown a special zeal for persecuting Christians but he was still able to be saved. JESUS asked why was he persecuting HIM and Paul was changed!! The pastor used this to illustrate how JESUS saved a lot of us whom seem hopeless like SAUL but because of the Grace of GOD we have been saved in JESUS like Saul become Paul. He told us not to give up on others who we think is hopeless, who we think is to big of an enemy!
This sermon hits home with me! I have many muslims in my family from my fathers side and primarily its because of my grandfather who serves as the patriarch of the family. He is ill now and at one point we felt that he was close to death. I went to visit to him and prayed in silence when he was in the hospital bed. I feared praying out loud because of the reaction I might receive and then later I began thinking it would be no point to ask him about JESUS CHRIST. I feel ashamed at myself just typing it because it reminds me of the pacifism I am supposed to reject as a Child of GOD but it reveals what I need to pray and work on. MY grandfather is responsible for influencing many to reject the Gospel of JESUS but so did Paul. I know I shouldn't give up on him, he may be saved! Of course its all according to the will of GOD but I it may be his will to use me to share JESUS with him. The same goes for my father. I cant rest thinking that he is hopeless everyday that I have breath , every time I take the time to share my thoughts on the Bears , I can take that same time to share my thoughts on Salvation! Imagine if my Grandfather dies thanking JESUS for saving his soul, my father will hear it as JESUS reveals himself! My heart is pumping faster and my palms are growing sweaty as I grow in excitement, lets make a Paul out of the Saul in our life! AMEN GOD BLESS

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Can a google fanboy enjoy a imac? the allure of mavericks

So its time to revisit the evil empire. Just kidding, but today I have decided to revisit the apple world. MY brother blessed me with allowing me to use his Imac for a year. As you see I have my DIY dream pc in the background but recently I became interested in using a mac desktop. I previously had a mac mini in which I grew tired of. I wanted more power and I wanted to game so I decided to rebuild a custom pc. I been enjoying gaming, multi tasking , and hacking (in a legal way) to nerd out. I love how I can run Netflix on one monitor while playing nba 2k on the other. I love backing up my dvd's and uploading podcast in minutes. Its amazing. So if I am so happy with my pc why try apple again?

The answer lies into the success of mavericks. I love it. Better yet, it lies in the success of the apple press conference. I am intrigued at the free offering of iworks and ilife! I love the integration of notifications that allow me to respond right into the notifications. I love the maps integration that admittedly just seems more attractive than useful. I also want to use key chain that remembers my password, thus helping me to work easier. I am looking forward to ibooks that will allow me to better prepare lessons for my class. Imacs and mavericks seem to be finally capable enough to allow me to do real work with media like podcasts, and video editing, but honestly cloud apps finally made "pro" specs less necessary. Calendar also seems nice, if it works well with google. speaking of google........

Now what makes me nervous is my dependency on google for productivity. I am a owner of a nexus 4 ,7, chrome book, blogger acct, and public google + profile, and subscriber to google music. Needless to say , I am fully vested in google products. I am currently typing on a Chromebook. So will I be able to use the imac with my google lifestyle ? I noticed when I look at pictures of "googlers" I often see them using apple products. Programmers in general, which I am now currently studying in my free time. We shall see, I will keep you posted! GOD BLESS

Top 5 things I like about Android 4.4 Kit-Kat and why!

Kit Kat is released ! - I was so happy to see this. If you are a fan of nexus you have been waiting for this for a long, and i mean looong time. Especially after being bombarded by news out lets and apple fanboys or isheep touting the updates to ios7. This is one part sinful jealousy and one part anxious anticipation. I know this is just a .1 update but this update is nice! So I wanted to write a post about the things that I am most excited about with Kit Kat 4.4

1. Full screen wallpaper - on the nexus a part of the screen was taken up by a  task bar and black tool bar which housed the navigation buttons, this cheated us of screen real-estate. Now this will be transparent allowing us to enjoy the full screen especially nice with the 5 inch nexus 5.

2. SMS (cell number texts) hangout integration with Emoticons - this is really helpful because I do find it a tad bit cumbersome to go between two apps, some for my sms, others for my hangout friends. I like this central place, I am hoping that since its integrating in the same app, I can view both messages on my nexus 7 too. I also like emoticons. Apple people often make fun of the little black androids we are forced to use when using mms, but hangouts emojis are even better than ios to me, so I can use that now. I know some are saying "how old is this guy" but don't judge me haha I use it with my wife! (manly voice).

3. NFC Emulator - my non techies dont know what this is  , NFC is used by many of my readers at work. I am happy about the emulator because it will let me integrate my nfc cards in my phone so I can use that to buzz in. They also made it possible for more phones to use Google wallet, and enable other banks to create their own payment app. I am hoping for the day when I can just carry my phone to any store to pay for what I need! That would make traveling so much easier when I just have to keep up with my phone , not my phone AND wallet.

4. Smart Dialer - This is going to be one of those overlooked things that is going to help a lot in the long run. You heard it here first, this is going to be the next thing IOS is going to try to "borrow". Anyway , the dialer app will allow you to begin typing in the name of place and the app will search the internet for that phone number. This is amazing! I was just complaining to my wife that I had to throw this phone book away that was delivered yesterday committing on how its a gross misuse of paper and money. I know most people now go to the browser on thier phone and google the place they need a number for. Now that will be a thing of the past because the dialer in kitkat will find the number for you! I wish my dad had this for his phone! I can imagine the time, and conveyance I will have with this feature

5. Google always listening- "OK GOOGLE" is all I need to pull up google now which is awesome, That is one of the main show off features when you are around people and they ask "whats so cool about android." We can pretend like we don't , but we all like to have something that makes people go wow when you get something new. The first 4 things just made google better but this is a wow card. That is similar to the fingerprint scan. Even if you are too mature of saint to want to show it off (which is a blessing) you still want something on your own that you can marvel at.

Well this is what I am most excited about in kit-kat. Some people may feel different, let me know if you think something else should have made the top 5. GOD BLESS

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Look at what just came in the mail

Like a check in the mail my inbox just got a wonderful treat. It is a bit anticlimactic but the fun continues! So happy to finally see it officially!! Solo how soon til it sells out?

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sunday Reflection Matthew 6:33-34

Mathew 6:33-34
This sermon was about how we are to put GOD first in all that we do.The pastor talked about how we like to talk about GOD is number one in our life but do we truly act that way? He gave us evidence on how we may not, such as: "saying I didn't have the time to pray this morning, our bank accounts show we give less than 10%, we will be embarrassed if people knew what was being said and practiced in our home. Do we actually live as if GOD is preeminent in our life or, is it just words.

I was thinking about this today when I noticed that it is now friday and I did not write my reflection yet. I know I was thinking I had a busy week because my whole household came down with a cold starting with me. I also said on top of that I had a hard week at work because I had to teach one of the hardest concepts in economics. I was in the midst of thinking this when I realized, I am stating things that got in the way in my worship to GOD. I know that my reflection is a tool I use to reflect on HIS word and grow in my walk in CHRIST but I neglected to do so after Church , I was foolish enough to call myself busy, as if this sermon went through one year and out the other. But I thank GOD for the HOLY SPIRIT! HE dwells in me so that I can feel when I am doing wrong, the conviction is a blessing so that I know I should have priorities. I know I wasn't that busy because I had time to live blog the Apple event! I have to be sure with this site not to cross the line between being an enthusiast of technology too being a worshiper of technology. I cant serve two gods!

I also was thinking about my bank statement. I know I foolishly found myself rationalizing that I should count 10 percent from what I have after my house and car. Because "those are things I have to have"....I was about to erase this part of my post because I know its a hot button for people but once again im convicted. The Bible predicts that we are to be considered not part of this world because this world is corrupt. This society is set up in a way that our home and taking care of our children comes up before we think about giving money to the church. So its basically saying society and taking care of my family comes before GOD. This is acting as though GOD is a little extra in our life, a little desert. I mean because c-mon we got to have balance, we cant go crazy with this faith stuff right?...

 I can talk a good game like I know many of you can talk a good game, but if we claim we trust GOD and we know the BIBLE is truth, do we live by Mathew 6:33-34? Do we seek the Kingdom of GOD first when we get paid or do we head to the grocery store and pay are bills because we worried about where we going to eat and sleep tomorrow? ,,,,,,,, GOD BLESS

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Windows "start" button makes me smile :)

So I downloaded the windows 8.1 update and I actually welcome the update. I admit I haven't spent much time playing with it because my primary computer is my Chromebook. I am usually using the pc for gaming and backing up media. It is a powerhouse but its in the utility room and not portable. I guess I give up a lot of power for the sake portability. But you didn't click on this to hear me talk about that.
I was one of the lucky ones that got this off without a hitch. I didn't have the problems everyone else had with the update. I have a friend at work who told me it has ruined his experience on his vivo tab running on the atom processor. I heard that windows has fixed the problem yesterday from the main website for those running RT but for everyone else I wouldn't hesitate to download it. The reason why? THE START MENU!
ok ok I know its not a true start menu at least in the usual since but it does function the way I want it. It has solved the main point of frustration with me. I can right click on the start button to pull up a menu of choices that make navigating so much easier. I can now get to my device manager, control panel, settings , and SHUTDOWN with a right click away! Wow so instead of trying to hover my mouse at the perfect spot or trying to remember how many pages over or where do I find something I can just right click the start menu. My pet peeve is when I cant find something, now I can , also included is the run command when you right click. This allows me to type in the app for quick access. That's it , that's all I wanted , That's all I had to talk about ,, just let me get through the "features" quickly. Like a light switch, or a  sewer separating your waste from your drinking supply, its the smallest little thing that can make a huge difference. (drama much)....
The update is free for existing windows 8 users, check your app store, that should be the last time you have to because 8.1 will have auto updates. So the moral of the story, take ya time if your own a atom chip but everyone else, go get that button!


Apple conference live blogging, +1 to follow

The apple press event will be starting in 6 minutes so I will be writing reactions, +1 so you can follow my posts it will have updates in your notifications, I will try my best and this is my first time! Maybe in the future I will do it on video as well. Remember its live on Safari and apple tv. go to  GOD BLESS

Monday, October 21, 2013

Is there anything Apple can do at their announcement to win over android loyalist?

A little bit around this time last year I began my grand experience of dropping many of my apple products for Google. I was looking at Chromebooks and researching the app parity of Google play vs app store. If you keep up with my blog you know that over the past year or so I have been pretty much fully vested in the Google universe and this once self admitted apple fanboy became one of the biggest advocates for android and chrome os I know personally. So of course in lieu of the recent apple event announcement a few people at my job took this time to throw a few jabs my way. More than one person remarked, "so I guess your going to come back to apple after tomorrow right". I laughed and said "never that" initially, but later my reply became "it will take a lot". The final time I was asked I hesitantly replied, "we will see urrr ummm nawl I cant picture it!" That last retort led me to writing this post. Is there something apple can actually say tomorrow that will make me come back as the prodigal son? Can apple ignite that nerd excitement? I was thinking about things like maybe: 
1. Ipad mini retina with scaled down size comparable to nexus 7
2. Apple Iwatch with more capabilities or versatility than galaxy gear
3. Added feature to iworks and icloud in which everything is saved every few seconds ala Google. 

Well it feels as though im pretty much reaching so maybe I should ask you, is there anything apple can do to make a android loyalist switch?....

I believe it will start 10:00 a.m. pdt. Last year it was live for SAFARI browsers ONLY and of course I will be watching on 2 different tech sites. I usually use and and you guys can look for remarks from me if you cant get those sites at work haha. GOD BLESS 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Things I heard 10/17/2013

Nexus 5 coming? - Any one else getting irritated, I even saw this video from someone in Europe showing kit kat, it was not something to get excited about other than the prospect of a new phone. Then I got Google seemingly playing with our emotions with the random adds like "everybody dance now." We are wasting time thinking about C and C releasing the song on October 18th and then people saying the group used to be 28 street something so the announcements will be made on the 18th for the 28th release. Then we see an ad saying this is it, a MJ single released on the 18th! haha are they that clever? The bigger story was somebody had time to research and figure this out. Wow talk about a potential detective in the wrong career. Too bad Bin Laden didn't have a nexus, we would've caught him early!

HTC ONE MAXed out - I thought it was pretty awesome. I will spare you my usual speech about how the bigger the phone the better, oppps , Well anyway critics seemingly doesnt think so , I guess because it has a snapdragon 600 instead of 800 which is a lost for the geeks , and then the back cover comes off just for a sim card , ummm yeah. The finger print sensor I guess isn't good, its weird how apple manages to make simple things look cool and just work. I wonder did they rush the scanner or that was just he best they can do for a reasonable price as of now.

Sony Z ultra - the dream phone for me is coming to the states with a dream if they think I will actually buy it at the outrageous price of 600+ us. Yes I understand the value of unlocked phones but lets face it , technology changes to much for me to spend over 400 for a phone! Thats the genious in the early upgrade plans. I know geeks willing to shell out $600 + for a phone are going to be angry if they are stuck with a phone more than a year! All being said if something magical makes this phone imaginable I will defenitley get it but with the pricing and lack of carrier support, Its not mentioned in the same conversation as your galaxy  and one's

Samsung Round - really? So I want a phone thats harder to put in my pocket just because its possible to be bent? Its stuck in that position, so whats fascinating about curved grass? Who folds paper to read it? Nope try again! I would like a phone with a display on the sides giving the display a infitnity view type look with the time on top , umm my idea sucks too a little I guess. (pic below from

Windows 8.1 is here! - this is only cool to me because it is for 8 inch tablets! This will make a tablet people want because most of us have a windows laptop (not me) and they want to have some windows functionality on the go. I touched on this before and I am still excited. I have my nexus 7 but this does have my attention. Upgrade today for your start screen , your ability to boot right into desktop, and easier settings. Well I guess you should upgrade if you hate the new look of windows 8 but you are willing to compromise.

Apple announcement official - the event will be Tuesday October 22. They said they have a lot more to cover! hmm an announcement on covers yeah!!!! well who has two thumbs to watch even though he claims he moved on from apple,,,,,This Guy!
 wait thats one thumb, well anyway I'm not the only one, we will all be watching. Its like watching the Tom Brady throw that touchdown (I like Tom Brady tho).

Video of this post below. 

on side note, most importantly I praise GOD for the traffic I have been getting I didn't expect thousands of visits so soon, I am just trying to learn but its a goal of mine! Please subscribe , share my page/posts, and talk about it!  GOD BLESS!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Few thoughts while enjoying google+ on my nexus 7

Few things are more tech pleasurable than using Google+ on my nexus 7. The ui is magnificent the keyboard is perfect for my thumbs and the different communities keep me entertained. Posted pictures are beautiful and I love the interaction with the active community while keeping , my privacy at bay. The best of Facebook, tapatalk, twitter, Google reader in one destination wrapped in my pocketable nexus. Kudos Google, now just get some more "non geeks". By the way I'm posting this from my nexus 7 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sunday Reflection 10/13 Faith Warriors

II Kings 2:9-11
This past Sunday we was given a lesson about the last day that Elisha had with Elijah. This was the verse when Elisha asks for a double portion which meant an inheritance as a son according to Jewish tradition and then a recognition by Elijah that its not up to him but its up to GOD. The pastor noted how Elijah left the world as a faithful warrior. In a glorious exit. What stuck with me most about the sermon was the call to be faithful warriors! We was told that GOD don't want us to get the scraps of  the table like when we ask for a new car, a good job, a new house. We should be asking for things of GOD things that glorify GOD! This was almost like a continuation of last week when we learned about how we should dream big.
I was thinking through the week if I am living as a normal christian or a Faithful Warrior. I am now praising GOD that he has made me grow to the point when I now share the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, I openly say Praise GOD instead of "whew I'm lucky" . I use online to do more than share funny pictures and interesting quips, but its not about what I do good, its about what I can do more!
I need to push further and stop talking about how I'm tired at work, how I'm broke and happy its pay day, you know, complain ,complain,complain.. How do I show I am a child of GOD a faithful servant, if I am complaining like everyone else. What about careers, should I be happy I get a 20 - 30 views of this post or should I be expecting thousands tune in to hear the good word of GOD? Will this just be a hobby or do I know GOD can use me as a vessel to reach thousands. That student I have that I just know going to be a future prisoner, do GOD want me to be a vessel to help him be the next evangelist?
My sinful flesh want to say, well if GOD wants me to do this and that why its so hard, but reflecting on the sermon and the Bible I have to once again remember doing GODs work take time and steadfastness. The pastor illustrated a great description of pizza, needing to be pounded and press before we get the good stuff, the pepperoni,cheese, and veggies in life! Reading this hopefully your doing like me while typing this, its time to stop being  small minded think BIG, WARRIORS COME OUT TO PRAYYY hahaha GOD BLESS

Friday, October 11, 2013

New chromebooks got me ol gitty!

I am so excited about the new Chromebooks, one is the $279 HP Chromebook that will have a white macbook like casing with accent colors, that brings me back to the days when i was toting the light fun laptop. The hp 11 coolest feature is the ability to charge of usb, thats one less cord to carry. Every one who has commented on the the hp 11 has said the same thing. I love the thought of a toy like laptop that is awesome for quick blogging and reading the web. Lets be honest, that is what we mostly do. I am currently doing it right now in fact. The people that actually use the computer for much more are definitely NOT considering a computer sub $500.
The second awesome Chromebook I seen was the Haswell Acer c7! for $250!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to type the extra punctuation to punctuate my excitement. I am typing on a c7 which I purchased over the Samsung Chromebook mostly because it has a Intel chip. The Intel chip is useful when it comes to Linux because that enables me to run programs like java run time. The thing that holds the c7 back was the slow processor. It works but it was slow and still not comfortable. Geeks know what I mean when I say something works but it  is not fun. I look forward to the more powerful battery sipping chip to make Linux fun! I heard so many good things about the Chromebook pixel because it had the nice ivy bridge processor. Don't troll me, I know this haswell chip wont be an i5 level chip but I think the power should be awesome. The pixel was 1500 , I am just happy I can get a better Intel chip with a cheaper price than the arm based hp.

So for my readers who want to take care of business like regular people ie : pay bills, scroll for information, use Facebook, Google plus (wishful thinking) etc. a Chromebook is perfect. These two Chromebooks are cheaper than full size tablets and they are far more convenient when using a trackpad and keyboard to fll in forms rather using your finger and zooming in sliding your finger to fix typos haha. Watch out Apple, Microsoft , the world is chachca cha chainging!


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sunday reflection 9/29

1 Kings 19:19-21
Todays sermon was about how Elisha followed Elijah as Elijah prepared him to take over GODs mission for his people. The pastor named the sermon insanely committed. Elisha's reaction to Elijah show an insane commitment because like in his life many things GOD want us to do to serve him seems to be insane in the worlds view but its exactly what GOD wants from us! We are supposed to stand out and work hard and go beyond the worlds concept of commitment. The pastor first talked about how Elijah knew he needed a helper because GOD told him to get a helper and a replacer. Then he spoke about how Elisha , seemingly a rich man left his many oxen prepared his parents and left on his way, challenging us to let go of everything and give all to GOD.

I know the "lone ranger" concept has had an effect in my life. I as a man adopt the lie of this world in assuming its not "manly" to lean on someone else. I feel that I am effectively performing as the spiritual leader of my family but I have to realize that I am falling short when I am not modeling the submission to GOD in the role of leaning on a spiritual partner in fellowship. My wife cant point to someone that she knows I talk to when I have a man matter! I have the pastor but do I have the fellowship and spiritual companionship outside my wife? I know the answer, and prayerfully I keep the commitment to garnering a new answer soon. I have to be obedient and not forsake the company of other brothers and sisters, not just my wife.

The next part of the sermon was an amazing tool used for me to reflect on my spiritual walk. Elisha let go of his oxen but do I still have oxen holding me back? I know I have been consciously working on cutting off the things that is not showing that I love the LORD. I reflect on my refusal to purchase the hottest new game. I may have mentioned it before but I was thinking to myself I cant claim I love the LORD and I am playing a game in which I can only win by pimping, murdering, and selling drugs. I liken that to my wife. I cant tell my wife I love her and spend my week watching porn. In both situations I can use the excuse, "I'm not actually doing it , its just fantasy , its just entertainment." ,,,I cant imagine my wife or my GOD believing I'm really in love! The pastor mentioned how we treat GOD like a girlfriend, we love the warm fuzzies we get like the spiritual high we get when the choir working, we like the weekend date like church , we like when she there when we need her like GOD in the hard times, but during the week, during the hard times, when the other things in our life want our attention, do we show that we are committed? I cant show GOD love when I want , we are his BRIDE!!! I have to serve GOD in all I do! This is the motivation of this blog, I know I love technology and social networking, I have an interest and understanding of geeky things and explaining why but I know I have to know even in doing so I can give glory to GOD! Even when Im doing this hobby, I am doing ministry trying to be insanely committed!

The last big thing was a small point of the sermon. Elisha kissed his father first. As a child I often hugged my father. He was there every day and shown a commitment to me as a son, the weird thing is I have allowed the devil's influence on our culture effect me as well in my relationship with my father. I still feel like we are closer than some but it was even taught to me by him, that my mom is the important one. That my mom is the affectionate one. I think the greatest effect of sin in our culture is the breakdown of manhood in our society. Manhood is the direct link to father hood. I have to be sure to recommit to GOD's design of fatherhood for my children! So that if GOD wills, they will grow up to be insanely committed to GOD in all aspects of life!

Lets leave all the things behind , lets stop dating GOD, lets give GOD more than free time and show off how much we love GOD to everyone we speak to like we show off our ring when we get married. This week, every time I mention my wife and kids, I will make a point to mention JESUS! GOD BLESS!

my interpretation and reflection of a sermon given by - Pastor Delbert Deny Jr.

Friday, October 4, 2013

things I heard 10/4 "stop carrying your wallet and take your tv"

Dell 8 inch dell venue windows 8.1 tablet  - this is amazing! this thing comes in at $299 putting it in cheap tablet category. That is something that a lot of people have been waiting for in terms of windows. I think they should have don't this a long time ago because if they did we would be much more interested. I hope its not a little to late for them because I think its a valuable solution to the people that are used to windows and using office products but have the need for a cheap tablet they can carry everywhere. I know people make fun of Microsoft's mobile strategies but the platform is actually pretty nice in my opinion. This thing should be compatible with local printers without the need of 3rd party software, compatible with any file your coworker might send natively have a sd card slot for expansion and it has 32 gigs standard. I guess you can say I think its awesome! What about you?

Cheap Android tablets galore- I keep hearing every other day of a sub $200 android tablet. This is the new trend in tech. I think the cheap android mini tablet is the new net book. I see so many of my relatives and students showing me there tablet they got a "deal" for with its dark grainy skin , with slow movement , and lack of app store support. I think one thing about the android that I don't care for is the lack of understanding people have between android and tablets like Nexus, note 10.1 etc... On that note we have Archos introducing 3 tablets that seemingly is only grabbing headlines because its cheap!

Abc and CBS tv everywhere- both major networks announced on demand video of their prime time service within 24 hours of airing. This is amazing I spent countless hours working with hacks and crappy software trying to take my tv with me. This is the beauty of companies like Aereo. They have disrupted the market offering tv everywhere through legal technicalities forcing ABC and CBS to be proactive and give customers like me what they want so they can at least gain ad money from us!

TMOBILE announce the uncarier 3 event October 9- in the previous 2 events tmobile announced no contract pricing , and early upgrades respectfully but now the third event is on the horizon. I am trying to decide what else do I complain about in terms of phone carriers. I know I don't like paying for minutes when I talk maybe 20 minutes a month. I know they have a data only plan but it is pretty much not promoted. Its actually relatively hard to find. It can also be an announcement of a text and data plan only! This would be pretty cool all be it unnecessary because with data I can just use hangout. I also heard that tmobile has already been producing nfc sim cards. Our sims are tied to us already so its more secure and it will allow us to put the sim in iphones, which will create a much larger adoption rate of nfc cable phones. Wow a uncarier announcement to uncarry your wallet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah still waiting on nexus 5,,,,,more pics, more specs, more thirst,,,,,,,,,GOD BLESS

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

things I heard 9/24

Iphone 5c and 5s sell over 9 million - this is the most ever I honestly dont know why but I guess people still are obsessed with the iphone the most. I feel like the outsider, I know most of the critics poo pooed this version but I got to remember I do not represent the masses as a far as features I want on a phone so maybe the rest of the world is just going on with the trend. For now the trend is still saying iphone and i guess you can say momentum has its place!

surface 2 and surface 2 pro - the new one is supposed to have a much better screen with full 1080p hd and the surface 2 has the Tegra 4 processor that should be 2x the performance. IT will also have office built in and thats including outlook. I think that will be a dream for a teacher, but I am not sure if it will allow java apps to be uploaded. The pro seems to be even more interesting because it was already an awesome design but now it has the power of the haswell chip. The chip has proven to be amazing for battery life and I'm hearing 8 hours performance, thats a full work day. It also has graphics for low level settings or basic games, and I heard that the chips run cooler to avoid sweaty thighs! I like that both also will have a deeper pitch with the kickstand that will help with balance on the lap and the keyboard is thinner which will help with portability. I love this announcement , its only 1 thing,,,,,wait for it,,,,,,,,,,,PRICE!!!!! its 459, and 899 respectively. Thats not including the keyboards ! So your looking at high end prices, admittedly I think the pro can reasonably be considered the macbook of pc's like the sleekest most attractive thing windows has to offer. I want one to be honest!

kitkat leaked images showing a flat trend - this news sickens me! I have recently seen supposedly leaked images of kit kat and the icons are looking flat and ios'sy. This seems to be a "if your friend jump off the bridge" type of trend. I hate how icons look on IOS 7 they are flat and ugly! I refuse to believe I am the only one who thinks its stupid that we make all this effort to get awesome screens only to create images that could've been made in the 90's. No depth or shadowing? wow that is as crazy as updating your camera lenses to take dusty filters for Instagram pics, oh wait,,,,,,,,,

blackberry up for sale- ok so umm I was trying to make you care but lets see. I dont know why people are all obsessed with bbm. I guess it is supposed to be cool but the blackberry people I asked didn't really give me a good reason to be excited. I know the keyboards was dope and people like the push of the emails but I dont know anything special about bbm that makes it better than imessage or hangouts, please tell me maybe I am ignorant. I see its canadian financial company that purchased them but why? I joked last month about apple or yahoo buying blackberry maybe its going to be true. I can see the phone being a good thing for people who have better ideas. Well on another thought maybe keyboards is just played..

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sinday reflection 9/22

Scripture Kings 19:9-13
Todays sermon addressed how Elijah hid in the cave after being threatened by Jezebel. He talks about what he has done for GOD and even after an earthquake and seemingly volcano, he is a asked by GOD "WHY ARE YOU HERE?". The pastor used this scripture to address how we are in a cave at times when GOD sends us on a mission. This was deep because it forces you to ask yourself what are you running away from.
I was thinking about how far I should take this blog. Is GOD telling me to go to school to learn tech so that I can dedicate more time and resources in using the internet as a medium for spreading HIS WORD. I am a teacher by trade and I know I need to do more! I like when the pastor said our caves are the "well I can't, I coulda , I should a, if I had,,,,'blah blah . I know I delayed doing things because I think, "well I need to first do this and that." I often think I should do something but many times I don't. I no longer want to live in a cave.
The pastor wrapped up with an illustration of an egg, potatoes, and coffee e. All three find themselves in hot water but they respond differently. Eggs get hardened, potatoes get soft, but coffee makes something with the adversity it brings out its hidden potential. I always have to remember to be coffee, knowing GOD is using me to make something great!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Reflection 9/14

1 King 19:1-5
This was a story basically how Elijah got scared and ran for his life when Jezebel swore by her gods she will kill him. Our pastor applied it to a sermon about how we sometimes get back into our flesh and have fear when we know GOD blessed us and how when we start working in our own flesh and not of GOD we become depressed. He last touched on how in verse 5 the Angel comforts Elijah noting how sometimes we have to take a rest so we don't get burned out when working for the LORD and ask HIM for comfort when we find ourselves depressed.
I look at my own life at how it was times when I was depressed. The times seem even more harsh when I found the LORD and began striving to serve him yet I still get back depressed. I often think it is in times in my life when I become complacent in what I am doing and I tend to boast at least to myself on how much I grew in the LORD. Sometimes it happens when I foolishly pretend I asked GOD for direction when I really wasn't looking for HIS answer so I take things upon myself. I know that GOD wanted me to do big moves over the summer yet I delayed and now I find myself stressed about things that I may have avoided if I had only obeyed. I know that obedience is a ongoing struggle for us both new believers or so called veterans.
As a man I can sometimes distance myself from others trying to handle things myself thinking that its the manly thing to do. That's a foolish concept of men thinking that we are not to consult others and work with others when it comes to matters of faith just to preserve a sense of leadership. True leadership is modeling like GOD did as he came down as his son JESUS CHRIST to serve and show love. I know if I preach or testify on Christian brotherhood, I have to model it as well. Elijah committed that sin when he left his servant and went into the wilderness alone "woah is me.". .I need to have accountability partners in the Church when I find myself battling depression.
I also enjoyed taking time to look at Elijah talking as though he wanted to die. With the promise of being with my FATHER IN HEAVEN. It seems oh so sweet to fast forward to that day but that is selfish. GOD has saved me for so much more. A true believer is filled with the HOLY SPIRIT which gives us a desire to do GOD's will. We are to be beacons of light for the world so we are hear on a mission. I cant give up until my mission is complete. THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS TASK.
Finally I take comfort in knowing that I have to be ok with slowing down and pray for comfort. I think us Christian men want to serve so much that we overwhelm ourselves. We too soon foolishly think we are more than what we are. As if we don't have time to pray because, what would the world do without us. My wife lived 20+  years without me, she will be ok if I stay in the room once all morning praying intensely to GOD for comfort and direction. Every champion I hear or read about mentions the value of preparation. If we are going to be champions for CHRIST we must dedicate ourselves to preparation, and that preparation is prayer! Constantly searching for direction and comfort! GOD BLESS

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Things I heard 9/14 iphone, 8.1, nexus lte , chromebooks, nexus 5

It has been a while isnce I updated so forgive me if some of this is dated but I just wanted to talk about the things that caught my eye or ears or ...whatever

1. Chromebook updates- I am sure windows is nervous because it seems as though there is a new buddy in town. All of the big vendors from lenovo, toshiba, to hp are making their own version of the chromebook. The chromebooks range from arm low powered arm chips, mid range atom refreshed bay trail processors, and surprising cheaper haswell. For non geeks this means the chromebooks will be able to run longer on the battery, run faster, and have better graphics! I love my Acer A7, its my go to machine for creating content because most of what I do is using google apps. This will just make things smoother for me when I ad a linux os on the side.

2. Possible Nexus 5 FCC leak - this was pretty cool people seem to be freaking out like it was an iphone. I see android fanboys can be just as passionate. I found myself clicking on every story I seen mentioning the nexus 5. That speaks a lot when your device gained so much loyalty, people cant wait to the next iteration. You have previously only seen that on the iphone and recently galaxy.

3. iphone 5c preorders- it is a lot to this story because what people are not talking about is the fact that I don't hear anything about iphone 5s orders ? Why not? Does apple realize that the announcement is underwhelming? Are they trying to build up a artificial sense of demand? I don't know , i guess I am a hypocrite because I seem to be excited about a processor bump to chromebooks when it is the same thing but I made fun of apple! I guess its just hard for those on top!

4. new windows 8.1 devices - i heard something about Asus coming with an 8.1 transformer type device for about $350! Wow if this is the case I am definitely interested. The problem with windows tablets is the price. The low price of android tablets helped people leave their comfort zone of the ipad but the surface was too expensive. As a government employee who is forced to use windows at work, I think I would like to have a portable device that runs windows and windows product. I have to admit though Im interested, it will be hard for me to part from my nexus!

5. Nexus LTE is here! - Im so excited! I have talked often about how I wish I had a device to rule them all, I was excited about the note 3 and I got really excited about the Sony Ultra Z but I have been waiting on the Nexus 7 LTE. I heard that tmobile will give a free month when you activate the sim card that it comes shipped with. I currently subscribe to verizon lte for my old ipad but I would love to switch it out. I now face the hard part. I need to seel my nexus devices so I can purchase a lte nexus 7 and maybe a cheap flip for backup. Any body want a nexus package? I need like 400 to cover tax. Leave comments for suggestions and let me know will using this as a phone and tablet will be a good choice!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

things I heard 9/8

Samsung Note 3 - it was weird because I was listening to the twit live coverage of the Samsung unpacked event and they seemed to be un-amused at this phone, I think this phone is awesome! (dj lance voice, unless I can get sued) . I had plans to write about what specs I would like in a new phone and this phone seems to come close. It has 3 gigs of ram which seems plenty, it does picture in picture, it has a floating screen like you tube, it has a strong quad core chip and it has a stylus that opens a note option when you pull it so you don't have that awkward moment asking someone to hold on while you open a notes app and then find out later auto-correct rendered the note you typed useless. If you like me finding yourself putting your phone back in your pocket and writing on scrap paper, you would love to have this spen and large screen. oh the screen is nearly 6 inches. Earlier I spoke how I would love to have cell service on my Nexus 7 but this phone also replaces that, I would love it was a 6.5 like the mega but hey this is a cool compromise. I am just thinking how awesome it would be just to have the one mobile device when I'm out in about , using a aftermarket wallet case for my licence and one debit hoping that nfc will make most of my payments. I don't like carrying baggage so the less I have to carry the better! so umm yeah i wont a note 3 

galaxy gear- wow what a dumb name but moving on. This "gear" is basically a smart watch. I will be honest its pretty cool and if I wasn't so happy with nexus I probably would have a Samsung phone which is needed for the gg because it doesn't actually have a data radio. Its basically a glorified pebble..mms/d.mgzn.sfngf sorry I fell  asleep on the keys from the boredom. I am confident enough to exclaim out loud tho that I am nerdy enough to rush out and get one if somebody like ,,,,Apple come out with a stand alone smart watch that can make calls , can take pictures crappy or not , have nfc , and Bluetooth 4.0. I can use my nexus 7 for every thing else . Remember I don't like walking around carrying stuff , but if I had a actual phone on my wrist I can run in jump and play with my kids at the park without the worry of things falling out my pocket! 

nexus 5 spotting, maybe- i feel like cnet asking a question to spread a rumor as if it was true but i love them (dont attack me I am a fan). This is understandable because there was a guy using a large phone that said nexus and it was next to a lady holding a nexus 4 , how convenient , which made it clear this phone will be bigger. There was soon after , convenient again, fcc specs on a phone which happen to have a similar model number that match eyeball specs, haha. Supposedly it will have a 5 inch screen , seems huge but nexus 4 is 4.7. I just hope the phone has longer battery , speakers on the front or bottom , and as mentioned earlier, I wish that it couldve had an even bigger screen. haha I know what your thinking, I should just get the LTE nexus 7 and wait for my watch , where in the world is my lte nexus? oh its over in Europe, how did they get it first :(. 

xbox one release date - November 22 I will probably be trying to figure out how to ask my wife to let me get the new xbox one for $500 even though my sons birthday and Christmas is in that same season. So umm yeah time to start telling myself only loser's get it first , yeah that should make me feel better, judge others, who im sinning, i mean kidding "spirit slip." Seriously I wont get this unless GOD wills different, prayerfully its because of my discipline of service to others and not just because I'm broke or value the warmth of my wife at night haha. 

Random thought, anybody tired of people taking pictures of kit-kats affixed to android phones? 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Phone feature wish list for phone launch season

Let's make a phone feature wish list. Once we compile a list we can see what phone comes closest to what we want. This is a perfect time to do it because of IFA and the upcoming iPhone event. Comment