working on tech
Mission Statement
Friday, October 11, 2013
New chromebooks got me ol gitty!
The second awesome Chromebook I seen was the Haswell Acer c7! for $250!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to type the extra punctuation to punctuate my excitement. I am typing on a c7 which I purchased over the Samsung Chromebook mostly because it has a Intel chip. The Intel chip is useful when it comes to Linux because that enables me to run programs like java run time. The thing that holds the c7 back was the slow processor. It works but it was slow and still not comfortable. Geeks know what I mean when I say something works but it is not fun. I look forward to the more powerful battery sipping chip to make Linux fun! I heard so many good things about the Chromebook pixel because it had the nice ivy bridge processor. Don't troll me, I know this haswell chip wont be an i5 level chip but I think the power should be awesome. The pixel was 1500 , I am just happy I can get a better Intel chip with a cheaper price than the arm based hp.
So for my readers who want to take care of business like regular people ie : pay bills, scroll for information, use Facebook, Google plus (wishful thinking) etc. a Chromebook is perfect. These two Chromebooks are cheaper than full size tablets and they are far more convenient when using a trackpad and keyboard to fll in forms rather using your finger and zooming in sliding your finger to fix typos haha. Watch out Apple, Microsoft , the world is chachca cha chainging!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
iphone presse event 9/10
my quick settings |
IOS quick settings |
tabs in chrome for nexus |
safari tabs |
notifications |
ios 7 notifications So lets just say, this press conference was pretty familiar. I could post more but this just a quick point. |
Sunday, September 8, 2013
things I heard 9/8
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Phone feature wish list for phone launch season
Let's make a phone feature wish list. Once we compile a list we can see what phone comes closest to what we want. This is a perfect time to do it because of IFA and the upcoming iPhone event. Comment
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
5 things i heard today 8/27
1. The nexus 4 just dropped $100 dollars I just purchased mines in may but I knew a new one is coming, thirsting for the latest and greatest is a sin that suffer for , so hey I deserve to be jealous hahaa
2. The note 3 part has been leaked from a new source that match the images from a previous source showing a ultra thin bezel and 5.8 inch screen wow! Forget s4 I think the note will be considered by most to be the flagship phone especially if the rumored 4k recording camera is true (I doubt it)! Ooooooo what if that's the new nexus? Haha cloud talk
3. Facebook making events , once again Facebook stealing an idea this time from Google + I tried to tell people about this a long time ago but I'm not cool enough to bring people to Google so I never got a chance to use it. Well anyway Facebook events will pull in pictures from everyone attending the event so your not like me stalking everyone in the family Facebook page trying to find the pictures from the family reunion..
4. Blackberry spins of messenger,,,,,,ummmm who still cares? Maybe you should download aim mobile too haha
5. Apple TV adds Disney and Disney xd and some channels we skip over because were force to subscribe that as a bundle with Disney and the ESPN. Wow I can imagine keeping that apple TV on and just switching from one thing to another, what if all the Chanel's you have programmed was streamlined and constantly opening so u can ditch from HBO go to Disney like your changing Chanel's on TV
Monday, August 26, 2013
Church reflection 8/25
Sundays sermon was about the story of Elijah being blamed for the death of the widows son but Elijah responded by taking her burden upon himself, going to the upper room, and praying to GOD resulting in the widows son being resurrected and the woman's testimony of faith!
I am writing this a day late. I spent the day with my family after Church h bbqing and loving them. I was thinking about how much I appreciate and love my family. Hearing about the story of the women who lost her child after being blessed by GOD with food to eat and help around the house. Pastor spoke about how often times we get angry fast when things go wrong and we all to soon forget how GOD blesses us when we are facing a problem. I was thinking how in the past I soon became discouraged when something didn't go my way but it is so important for me to remind myself constantly that I am blessed so I should never complain. The elder of our church often talks about how grateful people do not complain. I think that it is so important for me to reflect that I dishonor GOD when I complain.
The sermon also spoke about how when we are faced with obstacles , GOD is perfecting us for his glory. Faith is truly tested in the valley but our growth in that time of needs help us grow closer to GOD. None seem to be more hopeful than the ones who would other wise be hopeless! When the nurse told me that my baby boy was having trouble breathing when he was first born, I had no one to help me GOD. Think about your most intense moments of prayer.......
I also enjoyed the part of the sermon that talks about our reaction to adversity can be ministry. The end of the selection has the women testifying that she now knows that what Elijah spoke about when he spoke about GOD is the truth. When my sister accomplished much with a calm smile through every moment in our childhood, I knew that she must have been telling the truth when she said it was because of her relationship with GOD! wow even typing this I get emotional thinking about the glory we bring GOD by our behavior. Getting into heaven is a focus for those unsaved but once we in HIS grace we realize that this is just part of the story. We must finish with dedicating our life to showing GOD how much we love him with doing whatever we can to bring him the Glory in complete dependence! No one during Elijahs time and before ever rose someone from the dead, seem someone come back, but Elijah expected great things in complete submission to GOD and GOD made it so.
Our pastor asked when was the last time we prayed for a miracle, don't you dare think to start praying for finances, release of debt, loosing weight, blah blah blah, really bring GOD the glory and ask for a blessing for someone else so that they can reply, now I know the GOD you worship is REAL!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
First few days with my Nexus 7 (a nexus review)
Some background.
I have had the pleasure of using an Ipad since the first generation and instantly fell in love with it. After a few years and experiencing excellent browsing on my iPhone I noticed that it was something I was missing. I first wanted to get a bigger phone, I found myself thinking that if I had just a larger screen I would browse on my phone more. That sparked my first desire for an android device. I soon purchased a nexus 4 which has a much larger screen. I soon found myself using my phone much more than my ipad because the ipad began to seem to big and heavy for me. I once thought it had perfect portability but now frequently I decide to leave it at home because it felt like a chore to tote around. So now I have come to the conclusion, I need something bigger than a phone screen but smaller than an Ipad.Why not ipad mini
I first experienced the ipad mini when I purchased one for my lovely mother for her respective holiday! It does help with the problem of portability but it was slightly to big to fit in my pocket. I also felt it had some weight that I wasn't happy with. The greatest problem was that I couldn't figure out a justifiable reason to spend so much money for a ipad mini that has less than half the specs of my current ipad. It has an old processor, an old screen technology , and old standard of ram! I would love to continue the large and I mean LARGE investment I made in the itunes store but it's like my grandfathered contract with At&t, how much is my investment really worth?I noticed everyone talking about this nexus so I had to check it out, with its quad core chip, 2 gig of ram , open gl (that means it has the specks of a laptop computer). In fact it has the graphics power that you can reasonably equate to our past console, that's saying a lot for gamers. The greatest thing was that it is smaller and lighter than the mini and $100 cheaper!
Whats so cool about it?
First look.
I was able to log in with my google account and most of my things where loaded on there! I pulled up the google now and right away it had the places I been and directions home (even though I was in my neighborhood). I instantly fell in love with its beautiful screen, even more beautiful than my retina ipad arguably. The screen was so bright and I can see it from all angles! The device feels warm and sturdy. It looks expensive and that's saying a lot! The large bezels stick out like a pimple between your eyebrows but all in all its good! I loved how after initial setup I was able to slide it in my pocket and keep going. I have a weird thing about caring things in my hands (I HATE IT!!!!!!) so putting it in my right pocket , and my phone in my left pocket which also holds my cards and I am good to go.Wife proof
The wife was happy because it was only $229, its no where near the large investment that my $499 Ipad was. I don't know but its something special about $200. If your a middle class worker , even today, $200 doesn't seem like nothing you have to sweat about. For a device you will use for primary computing , $200 something is almost a impulse buy, especially when you consider it a savings to getting the Ipad mini for $327.Portable
I already touched on it but its worth talking about more, I finally have a very light device I can carry around without feeling like I am carrying something around. I was able to actually read it without worrying about it falling on my face as I fall asleep. Ipad owners know what that's like! Especially with my cargo's I actually took it with wherever I went without having to think about a bag I can put it in , or holding it in my hands.Function
I was delighted to see that its so much free stuff in the google play store. I do hate that its missing some HUGE things I need that I got on my ipad , I thought it would have been available , the largest problem is no amazon instant streaming app, or amazon mobile, I was able to side load the amazon mobile app but unfortunately I had to side load flash and FireFox to use the amazon instant in browser. (Side load is downloading a unsupported application outside the play store). I also greatly miss textbooks which should be coming soon according to the +googlenexus press conference. I also don't have power school , that will be a big point of contention because I am a teacher.That aside, the nexus is sooo fast. The speakers are awesome for a tablet. Its dual speakers with "surround sound" allowing me to hear clearly. The fast processor allow for quick loading of beautiful video, even YouTube looks awesome. The home screen is cool with google play widget and weather, google plus populating my many home screens. I complained about the mail rendering on my nexus but this double pain rendering of email is even better (because its faster) than the industry leading Ipad. The camera is grainy but quck to pull up. I love how snappy everything is. Pure android is buttery smooth and quick like I used to tout the ios. I like the app switching tabs button pull down status menu. It is so good apple is adopting it in ios7. I also love the integration with google services. Last year I wrote how it was ironic that all I use is google services on my ios devices but now I see the benefit of being part of it full fledged. I easily share things to google plus, take pictures for google keep, pull pictures from my google+ backups, email from GMail, use hangouts etc,,, google is AWESOME!