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Saturday, September 14, 2013
Things I heard 9/14 iphone, 8.1, nexus lte , chromebooks, nexus 5
1. Chromebook updates- I am sure windows is nervous because it seems as though there is a new buddy in town. All of the big vendors from lenovo, toshiba, to hp are making their own version of the chromebook. The chromebooks range from arm low powered arm chips, mid range atom refreshed bay trail processors, and surprising cheaper haswell. For non geeks this means the chromebooks will be able to run longer on the battery, run faster, and have better graphics! I love my Acer A7, its my go to machine for creating content because most of what I do is using google apps. This will just make things smoother for me when I ad a linux os on the side.
2. Possible Nexus 5 FCC leak - this was pretty cool people seem to be freaking out like it was an iphone. I see android fanboys can be just as passionate. I found myself clicking on every story I seen mentioning the nexus 5. That speaks a lot when your device gained so much loyalty, people cant wait to the next iteration. You have previously only seen that on the iphone and recently galaxy.
3. iphone 5c preorders- it is a lot to this story because what people are not talking about is the fact that I don't hear anything about iphone 5s orders ? Why not? Does apple realize that the announcement is underwhelming? Are they trying to build up a artificial sense of demand? I don't know , i guess I am a hypocrite because I seem to be excited about a processor bump to chromebooks when it is the same thing but I made fun of apple! I guess its just hard for those on top!
4. new windows 8.1 devices - i heard something about Asus coming with an 8.1 transformer type device for about $350! Wow if this is the case I am definitely interested. The problem with windows tablets is the price. The low price of android tablets helped people leave their comfort zone of the ipad but the surface was too expensive. As a government employee who is forced to use windows at work, I think I would like to have a portable device that runs windows and windows product. I have to admit though Im interested, it will be hard for me to part from my nexus!
5. Nexus LTE is here! - Im so excited! I have talked often about how I wish I had a device to rule them all, I was excited about the note 3 and I got really excited about the Sony Ultra Z but I have been waiting on the Nexus 7 LTE. I heard that tmobile will give a free month when you activate the sim card that it comes shipped with. I currently subscribe to verizon lte for my old ipad but I would love to switch it out. I now face the hard part. I need to seel my nexus devices so I can purchase a lte nexus 7 and maybe a cheap flip for backup. Any body want a nexus package? I need like 400 to cover tax. Leave comments for suggestions and let me know will using this as a phone and tablet will be a good choice!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
5 things i heard today 8/29
Slow day today,,..,
1. Kinect Delayed in many country's - wow anyone notice there as been a ton of bad news from Microsoft lately, I got a feeling its going to be like Sony with ps3 launch, business interfering with the potential success of the hardware.
2. Nintendo fils Aime ain't scared!- paraphrasing he said specs of the new Xbox one and ps4 doesn't scare him, its all about games and they got Zelda, Mario , and donkey Kong ,, soak that in Zelda, Mario, donkey kong,,,now quick. Come back to the future.,,did he accident my read his note from1993?
3. Surface permanent Price cut - duh
4. Best buy iPhone 5 discount trade in your phone and get there's half off. I don't care about this in particular but bestbuy has definitely been striving hard to please customers! Amazon has been kicking there butt and with competition, the customer wins. yeah!!!
5. Aero Android app- this is and techie story most don't know about. Aero let's you watch live broadcast TV on your mobile device! In plain english it let's you watch abc CBS fox ,what my family calls "the regular channels" anywhere. The companies not feeling that because they have apps they want us to use but oh well its government mandated to have free over the air programing in exchange for Infrastructure and bandwith. (Gov helped them get rich) aerop takes advantage and pulls the signal in like a powerful antenna and then sends it to everyone for a fee, sounds like some companies I know,,,,,,,,,,,