1 Kings 17:17-24
Sundays sermon was about the story of Elijah being blamed for the death of the widows son but Elijah responded by taking her burden upon himself, going to the upper room, and praying to GOD resulting in the widows son being resurrected and the woman's testimony of faith!
I am writing this a day late. I spent the day with my family after Church h bbqing and loving them. I was thinking about how much I appreciate and love my family. Hearing about the story of the women who lost her child after being blessed by GOD with food to eat and help around the house. Pastor spoke about how often times we get angry fast when things go wrong and we all to soon forget how GOD blesses us when we are facing a problem. I was thinking how in the past I soon became discouraged when something didn't go my way but it is so important for me to remind myself constantly that I am blessed so I should never complain. The elder of our church often talks about how grateful people do not complain. I think that it is so important for me to reflect that I dishonor GOD when I complain.
The sermon also spoke about how when we are faced with obstacles , GOD is perfecting us for his glory. Faith is truly tested in the valley but our growth in that time of needs help us grow closer to GOD. None seem to be more hopeful than the ones who would other wise be hopeless! When the nurse told me that my baby boy was having trouble breathing when he was first born, I had no one to help me GOD. Think about your most intense moments of prayer.......
I also enjoyed the part of the sermon that talks about our reaction to adversity can be ministry. The end of the selection has the women testifying that she now knows that what Elijah spoke about when he spoke about GOD is the truth. When my sister accomplished much with a calm smile through every moment in our childhood, I knew that she must have been telling the truth when she said it was because of her relationship with GOD! wow even typing this I get emotional thinking about the glory we bring GOD by our behavior. Getting into heaven is a focus for those unsaved but once we in HIS grace we realize that this is just part of the story. We must finish with dedicating our life to showing GOD how much we love him with doing whatever we can to bring him the Glory in complete dependence! No one during Elijahs time and before ever rose someone from the dead, seem someone come back, but Elijah expected great things in complete submission to GOD and GOD made it so.
Our pastor asked when was the last time we prayed for a miracle, don't you dare think to start praying for finances, release of debt, loosing weight, blah blah blah, really bring GOD the glory and ask for a blessing for someone else so that they can reply, now I know the GOD you worship is REAL!
working on tech
Mission Statement
This blog should be a safe place for anyone who wants to talk, read, listen, and experience technology in safe GOD fearing way. I am a believer and follower of JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND SAVIOR WHO I BELIEVE CAME DOWN AS GOD IN THE FLESH TO SHED BLOOD SO WE MAY BE MADE RIGHT WITH GOD AND HE WILL ACT AS WITNESS ON OUR BEHALF BECAUSE NO MAN CAN GET TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN BUT THROUGH JESUS CHRIST and it is those who believe mission to spread this message of love to all people for GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD! I strive to live righteously and I pray you do to and understand that we should do that in all that we do even when we are enjoying my favorite hobby, all things tech! that's why I am a techie in CHRIST I am a tech nerd that is grounded in the LORD. GOD BLESS !
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