Samuel 12:15-20 "When Death Comes Knocking"Sermon reflection
This past sermon talked about David fasting mourning and praying for his son to stay alive. He prayed unceasingly hoping GOD will show mercy and not take away his son but then his son died. When David heard the news he washed up and ate , basically moving on with his life and continued to praise GOD in his life anyway. The Pastor used this story to illustrate how we shouldn't harp on the death. How we must pick up and move on and keep up the good fight even when things do not go our way. We must not get stuck in a rut when things don't go our way, we need to rejoice in the LORD anyway and continue to serve him. We shouldn't embrace death like the ones who don't know the LORD. That person is not the end all be all, we can live without you haha.I have never had a death of someone I see everyday. So I didn't connect emotionally with that but I did connect with the idea of moving on when something does not go my way! I know that is something we all go through in life. We all think that we really want something and our flesh convince us that something is much more important than it really is. I recalled how I was humbled in my profession. I was thinking I was the Golden teacher who taught what he wanted when he wanted but I was put in my place a year ago. It turns out that I did not have the credentials I should have held to teach AP level classes. I blew it off at first thinking my performance will override the rules but in the end the rules prevailed and my AP class that I achieved success in was taken away and I was regulated to teaching "General ed" . .I prayed and prayed for a loophole but the rules prevailed. I was angry didn't think it was fair but then I began to think about what GOD was telling me. I was big headed and boastful. I needed to be humble. I needed to see that it was more of the students not me because my success in grades and achievement is much less in the classes I am teaching now. I know now that I didn't have this perfect method I was just blessed with results and talent to work with. I also realized that I was thinking to much of the glory and not what GOD want me to do. I have been talking and mentoring more and more to the kids who do not get a man'ly Christian presence like me any where else. GOD is using me in different aspects like this blog now that I am not busy preparing for AP all the time. GOD is also grooming me for more knowledge because now I am back to college to take some classes to get the credentials. Most importantly I am now able to use this story and triumph to be able to share with my other brothers and sisters in CHRIST to bring honor and glory to GOD!
In the US , when you are introduced to people by stating your career, phrased as "what yo do for a living", or " who are you". Now I humbly answer the question of "so who are you?" with the answer "Im Rashad a Christian , I earn money as a teacher" vs "I'm Rashad, Im a teacher".. In other words, teaching densest define me, that's not what I need to boast about, it can be taken away with a blink of eye! My position in heaven cant be taken away because JESUS guarantees everlasting life! ,,,,GOD is what I boast about, I am always a child of GOD so when things go wrong , I pick up and move on knowing that I am HIS ! AMEN!