2 Samuel 12:10-14 Constipated Saints
This past Sunday talked about unconfessed sin in our life. It causers poison and gives us discomfort when we don't confess to GOD our sin. The pastor used the story of Davids cover up sending him into a spiraling effect into deeper sin and troubles. That is what happens when we find ourselves caught up into unrepentant sin. The pastor finished with an important lesson on the effects of sin. Making note that just because GOD forgives us when we repent of our sin, we still must deal with the damages while we are here on earth. He pointed at Samuel in which because of Davids sin with Bathsheba, there was violence and drama in his family including death of his sons.We have to realize that just because it doesn't hurt our position in heaven because GOD has already given us that through JESUS CHRIST, we still leave scars in our life. I have to try to paraphrase a very good story;
{a father puts a nail in the wall every time his son sinned, when the son does a good thing, the father pulled the nail out. The son was later left with a scared wall and cried to his father, "I have scars all over my room, " }
This sermon was important for every Christian to hear. I took time after the sermon to examine my life on the sin that I may have not confessed. It was a very taxing experience as the wells of my eyes filled thinking of things and thoughts I have been have doing/feeling that goes against GOD. I know my laziness was the easy one, cutting corners on every aspect of my life when I know GOD wants me to do more! Tithing like I should, how dare I pray for financial balance when I am not trusting GOD with what I have now! One of the hardest things for people to do is look at the bad within themselves, but its even harder trying to come up with ways to have peace with unrepented sin! Impossible even.
The last part of the Sermon is what hit me in the gut! My stomach actually began to ache at the thought of my sin leaving scars. I began thinking about the harmful effects of the sin I know GOD forgave me for. The times when I shown my wife anger when she needed me to help with the kids because "I GOT TO WAKE UP IN THE MORNING!!" Months later my wife was rubbing her head in frustration telling me about how she wish she had time to take care of something but she is to busy with the boys. Of course I responded with "that's not a problem , just tell me you need help" while rolling my eyes ... As I type I think about that young 20 something with a kid out of wedlock because his 22 year old teacher out of college told him , "hey you better get them girls while you young but don't love em" ,, What if I told him different? Even simple things, like a higher than normal interest rate because of the greed , buying electronics on credit, a car without saving up for a down payment because "im bored with this car I need a truck"! ........What am I going to tell my kids when I advise them to wait until marriage for sex and they ask if that's what I did? Yes GOD forgave me for my sins and is forgiving the ones to come but my finances, kids, student, credit, is still effected! You look at sin differently when you look at it as leaving scars on your life , and on the people around you life!