Another Slow calm before the storm of news next week!
1. Samsung leaked a upcoming wearable product - so they are going to rush a watch out. I will be honest I think apple will eventually win me back with a iwatch that I can make calls on especially if it packs in nfc so I can just scan my wrist to pay for things , and use my earpiece to make calls. Im smiling thinking about it!
2. Walmart dropped Iphone 5 to $98 - this combined with the news of apple canceling holidays the week of the 15th make it almost a no brainer for the sept 10 reveal of the new iphone(s)
3. PS3 voice recognition - for some reason Sony didnt seem to tout the camera much even though it looks like its really high quality I guess its trying to distance itself from the XBOX but I would have thought it would benefit them to do a me too thing to take thunder from the Kinect because to be honest thats a big reason I am still thinking of going with the one!
4. Note 3 aww man this is going to be so exciting to see the iphone vs note 3! Samsung and apple never went head to head like this because their flagships was always staggered in different seasons but if the rumors are true they both are giving their best shot this september!
5. yeah so um yeah GOD BLESS
working on tech

Mission Statement
This blog should be a safe place for anyone who wants to talk, read, listen, and experience technology in safe GOD fearing way. I am a believer and follower of JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND SAVIOR WHO I BELIEVE CAME DOWN AS GOD IN THE FLESH TO SHED BLOOD SO WE MAY BE MADE RIGHT WITH GOD AND HE WILL ACT AS WITNESS ON OUR BEHALF BECAUSE NO MAN CAN GET TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN BUT THROUGH JESUS CHRIST and it is those who believe mission to spread this message of love to all people for GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD! I strive to live righteously and I pray you do to and understand that we should do that in all that we do even when we are enjoying my favorite hobby, all things tech! that's why I am a techie in CHRIST I am a tech nerd that is grounded in the LORD. GOD BLESS !
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